What is MINDFULNESS? Experiences that "fill us up" so that there is no space for the mind to wander elsewhere or for the spirit to be anything less than captivated by what is happening in the moment...these can effortlessly lead us to living a mindful life if we set an intention to incorporate more of these moments into every day. Where do you find YOUR joy? Walking on the beach? Playing with a pet? Spending time with a loved one? Playing a musical instrument? Paddling on the water? Volunteering? Enjoying a good cup of coffee from your favorite local roaster? Learning something new "for the fun of it"?
Tradition based practices such as yoga, pranayama, meditation, and prayer quickly come to mind when discussing mindfulness. However, JOYFUL EXPERIENCES we are each NATURALLY drawn to can be uniquely transformative for an individual when experienced through the lens of self-awareness. I invite you to explore the possibility that the very experiences that bring you the most JOY in your life may also be considered PRACTICES that can allow you to expand brief fleeting moments of joy and mindfulness into a consistent state of being...if you choose to do so. It's all an experiment - and it's all a PRACTICE!
Programs for exploring MINDFULNESS including traditional approaches such as yoga and meditation are available, as well as opportunities to explore less traditional approaches such as UKULELE 101 and MINDFUL HIKING. Please check the CALENDAR as events are added on a regular basis. Mindfulness programs on the calendar are designated by a yellow dot.